A New Era of Workplace Communications: Will You Lead or Be Left behind?

As companies look to institute new strategies for business communications, team messaging and collaboration applications are increasingly becoming important elements of a broader strategy. Results from the No Jitter 2018 Team Collaboration Survey bear this out. Of the 160 primarily U.S.-based enterprises IT professionals who participated in the survey, more than 95% say team messaging and collaboration apps are a necessary component of their future communications strategy. Forty-one percent of respondents were from companies with 1,000+ employees, 43% were from companies with between 100 and 999 employees, and 16% were from companies with fewer than 100 employees.

No Jitter provides daily commentary and analysis of the enterprise IP-telephony, unified communications, and converged networking world. No Jitter is produced by the same people who produce the Enterprise Connect events, the largest conference/exhibition events in the US devoted exclusively to enterprise communications.


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