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Cloud Telephony Alvaro Vasquez Cloud Telephony Alvaro Vasquez

What a Modern Phone Solution Can Do For Your Connected Campus

For schools and universities looking to achieve a connected campus, communication plays a major role. Video, phone, and chat communication can enable a variety of impactful connections within your community — how schools and universities interact with faculty and staff, keep parents informed, build relationships with students, and deliver education, especially options for hybrid learning.

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Working Remote Alvaro Vasquez Working Remote Alvaro Vasquez

7-Step OnBoarding Checklist for Reinventing and Making Hybrid Work Easier

Onboarding remote employees in a virtual setting can be much more challenging than your regular on-site onboarding. However, this training and support are crucial for new employees in a hybrid work model to get on board and start feeling like they belong.  To help you, we’ve put together a comprehensive 7-step onboarding checklist that works for both completely remote and hybrid working teams. 

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Dynamic E911 Alvaro Vasquez Dynamic E911 Alvaro Vasquez

Mitel & Dynamic E911

Dynamic E911 is a series of technologies and initiatives to update and improve the 911 communications infrastructure and standards. The aim is to improve public emergency communications services, by adapting to modern users’ increasingly mobile and wireless usage patterns.

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Cybersecurity Alvaro Vasquez Cybersecurity Alvaro Vasquez

The Benefits of Multi-Factor Authentication for the Remote Workforce

In this day and age, it’s more important than ever to ensure employees can access company resources in a timely manner. Meanwhile, businesses have a duty to protect every access point. By implementing Multi-Factor Authentication, organizations can put an authentication solution in place that only provides access to those who can verify their credentials.

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Collaboration Alvaro Vasquez Collaboration Alvaro Vasquez

Are your Conference Rooms ready for hybrid work?

Hybrid work is causing businesses of all kinds to rethink what video conferencing equipment employees need to collaborate effectively, what their office workspaces should look like, and what it’s going to take to keep them productive and engaged. You need to facilitate more virtual meetings than ever before, but also create an environment for new kinds of hybrid work.

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Cyber Security Alvaro Vasquez Cyber Security Alvaro Vasquez

How Ransomware Sneaks In

Ransomware has officially made the mainstream. Dramatic headlines announce the latest attacks and news outlets highlight the staggeringly high ransoms businesses pay to retrieve their stolen data. And it’s no wonder why – ransomware attacks are on the rise and the average ransom payment has ballooned to over $200,000.

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